Sunday, April 07, 2024


“Pull together, to take care of those that are weakest, and at the same time preserving a toleration and respect of difference.” Norway hired a philosopher to help design the ethics of their national oil company. They want to preserve the capital value for future generations. That sounds like the kind of country we should all have. This sequence is about more than that, but it’s all about how Norway values people more than profits, which is why they have one of the highest standard of living in the world. 


chich said...

What's this?!? An alternative to out and out corporate greed and 'screw the other guy' ???

Anonymous said...

But the US has 756 Billionaires and 25,580,000 millionaires where Norway has one dude worth about $2.5 million USD.
Now aren't you proud to give up secure employment, healthcare, housing plus Public transportation, so we can brag 9.7% of our population are millionaires? USA! USA! USA!
And don't worry about things changing as we have the finest government money can buy.