Thursday, May 09, 2013

Miss Cellania's Links

The complete guide to buying online popularity. Why you'd want to do that is anyone's guess.

Allie Brosh has returned to posting at Hyperbole and a Half. She promises to explain everything in a post today.

Save the Coney Island Mermaid [Parade] from Extinction!

Nancy Grace and Ashleigh Banfield Hold Split-Screen Interview in Same Parking Lot. And they thought we wouldn't notice.

Remember how “when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns”? That’s because outlaws need them more than homeowners do.

Anderson Cooper Interviewed Charles Ramsey And It’s As Great As You’d Imagine.

Mental Baggage: Abandoned Suitcases From an Insane Asylum. The stories those belongings could tell -if they could.

How to find a book when you've forgotten the title. People on the internet will be glad to help you solve the mystery.

Watch a breathtaking video of orcas following a boat for several minutes. Maybe they're showing off how fast they can swim.

Why a joint replacement costs $30,000 in one hospital and $160,000 in another. The answer is: because no one really questions the prices.

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