Thursday, October 20, 2011

Links for Fun and Entertainment

The Pathology of Classical Sculpture, or Where Did the Penises Go?

Bricks of War. When the video game Gears of War meets Lego, neat stuff like this happens.

The Video Game as Art. A new generation of experimental game designers are putting aesthetics in your shoot-em-ups (with video evidence).

The Midnight Sun. This time-lapse video consists of thousands of photographs turned into a technicolor dream, with the never-setting sun moving sideways across a gorgeous landscape in Iceland.

The Incredible, Interchangeable Films of Steven Seagal. Since they are all so alike, you can limit yourself to the ’80s films when he was at least eye candy.

The Passing Cloud concept vehicle is a cluster of balloons you ride on top of, drifting along with the wind. What could possibly go wrong?

The 20 Cutest Baby Meerkat Pictures On The Entire Internet. You just want to pick them up and cuddle them and go all “awww.”

7 things women look for in your personality (if you’re a guy). Or at least young adult women; the older you get, the less picky you are.

Sweet Halloween costume: The Pixar Lamp. Homemade in 2010 by a 15-year-old.

Aussie Good Luck: 6 Australians who caught lucky breaks. All great stories, but don’t move to Oz just for the luck.

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