Monday, June 16, 2008

Fun and Funny Links

The 10 Most Terrifying Guides to Sex.

The All-Time Best (And Worst) TV Dads.

The Discovery Channel’s popular video I Love the World gets the video game treatment from College Humor. Silliness ensues.

Extreme Sports Destinations. Great ideas for a summer vacation, or vicarious adventures to enjoy in the safety of your computer screen.

A great review of the worst book ever written.

Retro Sabotage has expanded to 20 games.

Welcome Back, Clinton. A great joke that was spoiled by circumstances, but enjoy the video anyway.

Phone Sex Operators. Not quite what you expected.

How to make a music video for twenty cents. Not literally, I guess. But being short on budget and long on creativity, these videos prove that necessity is the mother of awesomeness.

Brian & Katie’s Evolution of Wedding Dance. A real floor show for the guests!

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